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Get your perfect LinkedIn profile
High School Student
Stand out from the college competition
Set yourself up for career success
Take control of your online narrative
Start professional networking early
Creating a summary that highlights your accomplishment
Stand out tall from the crowd to succeed
Make your first impression on digital world
College Student
Creating a useful career profile and putting it to the best possible use
Networking with HR professionals from all over the world
Methods for effectively searching for jobs in the desired field through LinkedIn Easy Apply
Ways to search for internships/jobs efficiently, with an increased hiring probability
Get Personalised coaching and actionable insights on your Linkedln Profile
Working Professional
Creating a helpful professional profile and putting it to the most ideal use
Networking with HR experts from everywhere in the world
Methods for adequately looking for occupations in the ideal field through LinkedIn Easy Apply
Ways to look for temporary jobs/occupations effectively, with an expanded employing likelihood
Creating an expert synopsis that features your achievement
1. Download the aiitrs app from the store
2. Select I'm a client
3. Select Sign in with google
4. In the Home Screen dashboard, click on the suitable service tab and fix the Appointment and proceed with the payment process
5. Your Appointment is fixed, the details will be displayed in the Schedule Tab
6. Collaborate 1:1 with our expert to craft your career story in the Meeting link
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